EIT Urban Mobility RIS Hub Croatia!

EIT Urban Mobility RIS Hub Croatia is supported by EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union.

It has been set up as part of the EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS), the EIT Community’s outreach scheme, introduced in to make information and expertise from its unique approach available to others.

Since 2021, the EIT Urban Mobility Hub in Croatia encourages the transfer and replication of best practices and implements activities designed to boost the innovation in urban mobility, operating under the leadership of REGEAInvento Capital PartnersUniversity of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing and Hrvatski Telekom. The HUB represents a local contact point of EIT Urban Mobility in Croatia.


Activities and objectives

EIT Urban Mobility RIS Hub Croatia shares the vision and mission of the EIT Urban Mobility. Therefore, through our activities we aim to:

  • Create systemic solutions that will move more people around the cities of Croatia more efficiently and free up public space

  • Bring all key players in the urban mobility ecosystem of Croatia together to avoid fragmentation and achieve more

  • Engage cities and citizens of Croatia, giving them the opportunity to become true agents of change

In cooperation with different stakeholders of the urban mobility systems in Croatia, we aim to identify and address the key challenges of the urban mobility in our cities, focusing on achieving sustainable urban growth, decongesting local transport networks, growing interdisciplinary talent, enabling eco-efficient and safe transport for people and goods, including waste. Data exploitation, boosting the competitiveness of the mobility industry, shaping the framework for regulatory and behavioural change and urban governance are among our high priority aims.

Investment Themes

EIT Urban Mobility acts to accelerate positive change on mobility to make urban spaces more liveable.

Investment Themes:

  • Mobility And Energy: Clean Energy & E-Mobility, Electric Vehicles, Charging Infrastructure, etc.

  • Integrated Mobility: Active Mobility; Public Transport; Shared and On-demand Mobility, etc.

  • Sustainable City Logistics: Shipment & Carrier Solutions, Green Logistics, Long Distance & Last Mile Logistics, etc.

  • Smart Infrastructure: Predictive Analytics; Mapping and Navigation; Marketplaces & Insurance; Materials and Manufacturing, etc.

  • Future Mobility: Connected vehicles, Vehicle to everything (V2X); Sensors & Training Data; Urban Air Mobility, etc.

How to engage

Our actions and activities aim to include and connect all stakeholders of urban mobility systems in Croatian cities and wider: public administration and decision makers, academia including the students, NGOs, industry, businesses, research institutions, and citizens themselves. Regardless of the group you belong to, there is a way to join our activities and/or to benefit from them.

We provide a platform to:

  • educate the stakeholders of the opportunities provided by the EIT Urban Mobility
  • connect different stakeholders of urban mobility to achieve valuable results
  • help in urban mobility project identification, preparation and implementation
  • support urban-mobility-related business idea development and go-to-market strategies
  • advise and inform local governments of the best practices and innovation
  • boost innovation in the urban mobility sector
  • grow talent and utilise it to answer local mobility challenges
  • create livable spaces and efficient mobility networks in urban area

If you have interest in any of our services and initiatives, feel free to contact us directly, or through any of the partners leading the HUB.

EIT Urban Mobility acts to accelerate positive change on mobility to make urban spaces more liveable.

Learn more: eiturbanmobility.eu

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