EIT Jumpstarter timovi su spremni za međunarodno natjecanje

EIT Jumpstarter je jedan od najuspješnijih europskih predakceleracijskih programa osmišljenih za poticanje inovacija i poduzetništva, namijenjen interdisciplinarnim timovima iz različitih sektora. Cilj programa je podržati inovativne ideje i pomoći im da razviju održive poslovne poduhvate. Natjecanje je usmjereno na razvoj novih poduzeća u tematskim područjima Health, Food, Innoenergy, Urban Mobility, Raw Materials, New European Bauhaus, Rebuild Ukraina i Manufacturing. Sudionici tijekom natjecanja prolaze kroz intenzivan edukacijski program, gdje uče kako definirati svoj poslovni model i pripremiti se za nastup pred investitorima.

Proteklih pet godina, naš rad s timovima usmjeren je na izradu njihovih poslovnih planova i pripremu pitcha pred stručnim žirijem na Grand finalu Jumpstarter natjecanja.

Uz podršku naših iskusnih stručnjaka, tijekom četiri tjedna provodimo online i on site radionice i intenzivne mentoring sesije. Program je u potpunosti na engleskom jeziku, prilagođen sudionicima iz različitih europskih zemalja, što doprinosi dinamičnoj i međunarodnoj atmosferi.

Ovogodišnji Grand finale održava se 28. studenog u Budimpešti, a našim timovima - TrueAId, Chamois, LATOM, Total Energy, ILLAY POWER, Deltasort, INFINITY i StoreNow želimo puno sreće u daljnjem natjecanju.

Generacija 2024.

U nastavku donosimo izjave naših prijašnjih sudionika:

2022. - Manuela Panić - Nades  - Croatia:

If it weren’t for EIT Jumpstarter, I wouldn’t be sitting here with global investors, seriously discussing the concrete proof of concept and commercialization of my product. Additionally, through EIT Jumpstarter and with the help of Invento Capital Partners, which ran the second phase of the program, I learned how to write and create a business plan for the first time—a plan I now proudly present to investors. This plan also helped me secure my first funding, as it was one of the mandatory documents.

2023. - Monika Štepanova - Lightly Technologies - Czech Republic:

EIT Jumpstarter is something I would highly recommend without hesitation. Before Jumpstarter, I was learning by doing, but the workshops and sessions guided me step by step through the pitch deck and business plan process, giving me a complete picture of what I needed. It helped me improve my pitch and refine our business model. Placing second came with financial support, which was incredibly helpful.

More importantly, I made valuable new connections, and without the right network, progress can be difficult. I also had the privilege of working with mentors and experts who taught me so much. Meeting other entrepreneurs who supported and learned from each other was equally invaluable. Being surrounded by like-minded people is key. I made lasting friendships, and we continue to stay in touch, sharing connections and supporting one another.

Jumpstarter has been an incredible help from every angle, and the journey didn’t end there. We’ve continued to collaborate with EIT, and our growth has accelerated thanks to this ongoing partnership.Our Lightly logo wouldn’t have lit up NASDAQ Times Square without the support of EIT.

2024. - Sandra Quispe - Italy:

I am truly grateful for the opportunity to participate in this incredible startup incubation journey at the European level. Throughout the process, I have learned so much and gained valuable insights that have not only expanded my knowledge but also helped me grow professionally.

One of the highlights of this experience has been the amazing people I had the pleasure to know, not just very profesionals but good people, too.  I feel fortunate to have connected with such great individuals, and I know these relationships will continue to be meaningful beyond this program.

Thank you to everyone involved for making this such a rewarding experience!